October 19, 2019 became a special day for CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra for once again on the podium received an award. At a young age, CY Beverages as the main brand of CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra returned to carve out an achievement.

After going through a long selection stage, CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra was very grateful to be chosen from 8000 UKM including products from the brand that first stood up. Successfully outperformed all brands through CY Matcha Latte With Roasted Brown Rice products, and emerged as the winner. Proving the commitment of CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra to prioritize premium quality raw materials brought the results of a prestigious UKM Food Award 2019.

Victory two years ago precisely in 2017 where the first time CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra received the UKM Food Award 2017 through CY Double Hot Chocolate products. Spur to not be careless and continue to consistently maintain quality that is already inherent in CY Beverages, known as premium products. Realizing the quality and taste that are interconnected, from the beginning CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra is committed to always prioritizing the quality of each product ingredient. Likewise, CY Matcha Latte With Roasted Brown Rice which uses the best raw materials combined with organic matcha that has been roasted with brown rice so that it creates a savory taste. Plus a sweet creamer that serves to add a savory element to multiply. And invite a softer and creamy texture.

The 2019 Food UKM Award was held as one of the 2019 Trade Expo Indonesia exhibition events that is routinely held and has now entered its 20th year. Especially this year the award was given directly by the Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita to each winner. Including Calvin Yong as CEO of CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra who received the certificate and the 2019 UKM Food Award trophy along with other winners. Not just the second time, but hopefully there is a third time and so on for the CV. Anugrah Tiga Putra received the same award and other awards.